Sunday 8 February 2015

Theme Research + Possible Presenting Idea


After deciding to possibly set our idea in London during the 1300's (The Black Death 1348) I started to do research about London at the time.

Below are some of the more important points to consider with our designs;

  • Christians wore badges they had brought back from a pilgrimage (possible character design)
  • St Paul's Cathedral was the tallest building in Britain at the time (an important consideration for the London environment)
  • There was a big market for patched and mended clothing that poor Londoners would often seek (possible character design)
  • No welfare system, the majority of people that did not work were beggars

The image below shows what footwear Londoners wore, depending on their wealth. The image below that are the badges that were retrieved from pilgrimages.

Possibly the most well known "images" of London at that time were the plague doctors, for their bird-like masks and dark robes. 

During that research, I also started to look at poster composition for a possible way of presenting our final piece.

These are just a selection of images from 3 PDF files that I've downloaded which discuss the composition of posters and images. If we decide not to take the poster idea any further, the research will still be useful in providing us with an informed render.

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