Monday 16 February 2015

Researching 14th century medicine + Boss designs

Back in the 14th century, it was still a common idea that the health of a person was closely linked to their starsign, the movements of the planet, etc.. How a person was treated could be influenced by what star they were born under, and the time they contracted the disease was often compared to astrology charts to help with diagnosis.

A factor that people at the time thought contributed to the appearance of the Black Death was the coincidental alignment of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars on the 20th of March, 1345. Perhaps we could take some inspiration from this?

The medical implements used in this time period in London are unfortunately still quite primitive, going by what I found.

Here is a later version of a surgical knife - the only reference image I could find. Perhaps knives could be incorporated into the boss' claws, feathers and other parts of the body.

Additionally, here are some concepts I did for the boss character, mainly figuring out the features the boss could possess.


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