Monday 27 April 2015

Dragon statue UVs



Pestis Retopology Progress

Textured barrels and bridge bump map

Barrel textures. The broken one still needs some tweaking with additional maps, but has been pushed to lower priority until the bridge is finished.

Here is the start I made with applying bump mapping to the bridge to produce the appearance of individual pieces of stone. 
Since this is the first time I've used bump mapping to this degree, however, it hasn't really turned out in the way I expected. I'm going to seek advice on how to make the bumps look less jagged around the edges before I start painting over the base colours.


Sunday 26 April 2015


Screenshots of town

River sculpt into landscape with a water texture 

Cathedral problem solved 

Building materials with emissive maps for window glow 

Water material for the river 

Sunday 19 April 2015

Buildings Progress

Unique Building 1:

Unique Building 2:

Generic Building 1:

Bridge & minor asset UV unwraps





Broken barrel:

The UV unwraps for the statues have proven difficult, so they're still a work in progress. However, I hope to have them and the majority of the textures finished by the end of next week.


Cathedral Update


While preparing for the engine I decided to add more geometry to the original Cathedral. At the beginning I thought it would be possible to represent a lot of the structure as a texture but that didn't work out, which is why I built more to add to the structure.

New Cathedral Parts/Structures;

New structures added to the original;